Форум - English speaking Cules

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ViscaElBarca 24.02.2009 17:28

English speaking Cules
Hey everyone!

I am admin from FC Barcelona forum. English speaking Barca forum.
I am here to say hello to our fellow Russian Cules!

We are also in contact with some Barca forums from China and Turkey and looking to connect with as many Barca fans as we can from across the World.

We make our own news and videos that we will gladly share with other Barca sites. If there is a way we can make some kind of partnership please let me know.
I am originally from Croatia and remember our last qualifying group where both Croatia and Russia qualified. братья Славяне!

Anyway, thats it in short

Visca el Barca, Visca Catalunya!

#4 RootPeach 24.02.2009 17:53


Сообщение от ViscaElBarca
I am originally from Croatia and remember our last qualifying group where both Croatia and Russia qualified. братья Славяне!

Yeah! :D :D :D :D Hey Hey Hey! :)
Thanks a lot, братья Славяне! ;) :finest:

We remember those matches too and is strong to you are grateful, guys!

Sorry for bad English! :(

Catala 24.02.2009 17:53


We are always open for a partnership with another Barca fans (actually almost with all of them, but who cares now?). Do you have any concrete proposal?

ViscaElBarca 24.02.2009 19:43


For starters we can share some videos. We have a good member that produces them. http://www.barcaforum.com/showthread.php?t=307

We also have a guy that makes highlights. Watches the games, edits videos and posts Barca match highlights.
So in a way we try to produce as much original content instead of copy pasting from other sites.
I`d also like to share some technical info about the platform we are using. We are currently on VB, but I guess we can leave that kind of talk for private.

R54 24.02.2009 19:53

По русски можно?) В кратце я понял о какой то связи, просмотре видео и игр, и че то насчет бюллетеня?

Catala 24.02.2009 20:00


Сообщение от ViscaElBarca
but I guess we can leave that kind of talk for private.

You can contact me on [email protected]. You can also provide me with your ICQ or another instant message service and I'll talk to you asap.


Сообщение от Ronaldinho54
По русски можно?) В кратце я понял о какой то связи, просмотре видео и игр, и че то насчет бюллетеня?

У них есть человек, который делает видеообзоры, а также хотят поговорить о технической составляющей vBulletin.

Starsdeath 24.02.2009 20:47

ViscaElBarca, good evening! :)))
You the еnglishman or the еnglish-speaking person? :)

Catala 24.02.2009 20:49

Хорват он, написал же.

DotsFam_10 24.02.2009 22:11

ViscaElBarca, thank you very much!!! Croatia forever!!! You helped to Russia in qualifying group...:yo: ;BR;
I respect you.
Sorry, my English launguage is bad...

ViscaElBarca 25.02.2009 20:48

Thank you for your welcome :barca2:

I talked shortly with your admin and you really are lucky to have him in charge. This is one of the best Barca websites I`ve ever seen.

I`d like to contribute with little something. As I mentioned we make our own highlights so here they are for the Lyon-Barca match: http://www.barcaforum.com/showthread.php?t=3&page=13 (6th post from the top)

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